I develop entertaining actions and create stories that intervene in political and economic events. Media strategy is the most important aspect here, in order to lead to social change through the broadest possible reception. In such campaigns, I use instruments from artistic, activist, journalistic, legal and technological fields.
With the foundation of the Peng collective in 2013 my work became more and more concrete – most of the actions can be found on the website of our collective.

We acted as press spokesmen for big companies like Google and Vattenfall, built drones that dropped leaflets over secret services and Twitterbots that hunt sexists. We called for theft in supermarkets and inner-European escape assistance, as long as these crimes could lead to social justice. In short: we developed campaign techniques with the instruments of civil disobedience and subversion, always drifting between the arts, hacking and activism. We develop these media pieces mostly in cooperation with partners like theatres, NGOs or art biennials, financed by donations to Peng or by foundations.
I did some more classical NGO work during my time as head of campaigns at Oxfam and when I founded the movement Seebrücke with colleagues, which is working against the criminalisation of sea rescue.

2019 and 2020, I mostly worked as author for the German late-night show “ZDF Magazin Royale” with Jan Böhmermann. In 2021, my book on tactical media work was published at the editing house S. Fischer.